Art By Loretta Thomason

Tattoos, Oil Paintings and Digital art by Loretta Thomason

Oil painting Child portrait by Loretta Thomason
Traditional Oil Painting by Loretta Thomason
Loretta Thomason Digital Fox art
Digital Art Fox by Loretta Thomason
Loretta Thomason Color rooster tattoo
Color rooster tattoo by Loretta Thomason


Loretta Thomason Ink Is a page showcasing her award-winning tattoos out of Rave’N Ink Greenwood Nova Scotia. Originally from the Kootenays in British Columbia. Featured in multiple publications. Such as Missy Ink, Tattoo Envy, Central City Ink, Maritime Ink TV series. Contact her on Facebook at

Oil Paintings

Loretta Thomason has been studying oil painting for many years she studied classic art painting styles from her mentor John Ramirez before becoming a tattoo artist which, shows in her various styles of work. Painting has always been a passion for her and prefers the medium of Oil and traditional building of thin layer’s but also enjoys the freedom of Alla Prima (wet on wet) style. Facebook at

Digital Art

Art in the digital age has been a natural progression for Loretta, from traditional oil painting to the tattoo industry to using technology to create more unique content and expand her portfolio. Facebook Page: